Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving thoughts

This has been a strange November for me. It feels like we just had fall break in a way. Lots of things have happened this month. And it's funny...at the beginning of the month I was all wrapped up in the crappy election junk, trying to understand the world of school sports, and finding out a dear co-worker has been diagnosed with lung cancer. The latter has put everything into perspective once again for me.

I am so very blessed. God has blessed me with a loving husband that provides for our family and loves me unconditionally. He has blessed our marriage with 3 beautiful healthy children that are growing into loving, caring ,sensitive people. God has blessed us with a home and all the things that make living convenient. Food is never something we have to search for and clothing...well...the laundry room keeps the fear of nakedness away from our family. Health. We take it for granted far too often. Just in the last 5 years, I've spent countless hours on my knees asking for God's intervention on behalf of my husband and other family members. Whenever those prayers are answered, I always stand amazed at God's miraculous healing power. It's not difficult for Him, I know....but knowing that He listens to me and cares enough for me to do miracles...well....that's just awesome. So, I am eternally grateful that God has healed us and continues healing. Family....He has blessed me with wonderful parents, in-laws, and friends that are truly part of our family. Jobs...well....I mean mission fields. He truly has found favor with both Kevin and me in giving us our jobs that truly suit our lives. Our mission fields, aka jobs/career, is the life work that God chose for us and how He wanted us to provide for our family. And...it was so very thoughtful of Him to include vacation time and holiday time....cause we all need a break!!!!

Yet...why do I take this all for granted? I know I do...everytime I long for a bigger house, nicer car, more clothes, or just extra cash in my bank account. I hope that those times of longing get fewer and further between my thoughts of how blessed I am. I guess my prayer is this....please let me truly be content with where I am in my life and let me be a source of love, hope and encouragement to everyone that I come in contact with in this life. And that in my speech and actions that I always point them to my God!!! God truly is amazing.

So...these are my Thanksgiving thoughts. It really shouldn't be a "once a year" thing. Maybe I need to make it a "many-times-of-the-day thing."


mindy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Barb! Thinking about you today...

jrobertson said...

wow i didn't know you were into this. good job. if it is therapy maybe i should try it. i was reading mindy's when i came across yours.
have a happy and blessed thanksgiving