Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stressing out a little....

The older I get, the easier it seems to be for me to stress out . Of course, we're living in a sort of "Holding Tank" and have been for 3 months. I think the stress of that alone is wearing on me. I am missing having my own house....I am missing all the furniture we had to put in storage and finally, I'm just missing life as I used to know it. I am not trying to throw a pity party here...but just getting all these feelings into print is somewhat helpful.

I am so genuinely grateful that my dad offered for us to live at his house while we were building our new house. It has been financially a smart move for us...and so very convenient. I am equally as grateful for our builder. He is a wise and Godly man and I've enjoyed getting to know him and his wife throughout this process.

I think Kevin and I have become so much closer during these past few months. I know it's been said that building a house can destroy a marriage....and I was a little hesitant at first when we decided to go this route. However, we've gotten to enjoy picking things out and learning more about each other doing so!!

I am learning just how God paves the way, even when the way gets very long and when someone like me with acute ADD is involved!!


Anonymous said...

I don't think it is ADD as much as OCD!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is ADD as much as OCD and not knowing the future.