Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rainy Day

It's a rainy day here!! I love rainy days...but I love them better when I'm at home in my jammies watching a fun movie on TV or reading a great magazine. I love to light my candles (best when lit in a clean house) and just stay home. I'm not a big fan of getting out on dark dreary days!! This is making me look forward to that very first snow day. My friend Tammy told me that we are going to have more snow than usual with colder temps than usual....know where she got her information?? Not from the squirrels gathering nuts like crazy...but from the farmer's almanac!!!


mindy said...

So which do you trust more? The squirrel or the almanac???

mindy said...

They say we get a real snow every 4 years...maybe this is the year.