Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day

Today is a snow day. Everything in NE Oklahoma is pretty much closed...except for where my husband works. He works at AEP in Oolagah and of course he has to go to work...to make sure we can all have power!! As long as everyone I know and love are safe/sound...then I will enjoy this day.

My agenda for the day is really not exciting for most. But that's ok. I will enjoy this day by relaxing and watching a movie later on, getting all housework/laundry caught up, and maybe making something really yummy to eat. Then, of course, tonight is "Biggest Loser" night.

What is exciting to me is all relative. I'm the kind of a person that enjoys the occassional sick day or snow day or personal day. I always a have a running list in my head or on the back of a store receipt of things that need to be done...so when I can utilize some of this "free" time to get those things done...it's exciting. Time is precious to me. The lack of time causes me to freak out.

I'm so relieved that Kevin made it to work safely and I'm so relieved my parents are at their homes safe and sound as well. My in-laws are right down the road at home too. God truly answers prayers. Thank you God for taking care of the ones that I love the most!!

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