Sunday, March 7, 2010


I haven't blogged lately because there have been a whirlwind of thoughts and ideas running through my mind these past few months. Kevin and I put our home on the market in September. At the time, we had picked out something that I had truly fallen in love with and I was dead-set that we were meant to have that house. I was smitten!! I had a time-frame in my head as to when our house would probably sell and how long it would be before we took on this "dream home"!! (I'm a that's why I had this imaginary calendar going on!!) Anyway, I began realizing that maybe I was taking more control in this issue than I should!! Just maybe I should be consulting with God and even my husband as to these ideas. When I was praying, I was telling God what and how and when things should take place and hoping He agreed and then move right along. Instead of the way things should have played out. Anyway to make an incredibly long story semi wasn't until a few weeks ago that I finally gave in to myself and gave it all to God. I am slow to learn. I realized that God needed to have my undivided attention and I needed to let it all go!! I began to realize maybe it wasn't His plan for our house to sell...maybe He wanted us to stay put...maybe He wanted us to build on a room...or maybe not. And I began to tell my husband that perhaps we needed to stay here because just maybe God was happy with our life here. In turn, I began to accept this and actually tell others and truly was content in that. I even was looking forward to our house NOT selling. Crazy huh? I have cried like a baby because I wasn't getting MY way...I have tossed and turned dreaming about a home that I didn't own...and I was even angry that we were so deep into this house being on the market and nobody looking at it. So the emotions have been very strong these past few months.

I got a phone call Friday afternoon at Walmart while shopping for groceries that a realtor wanted to show our house the next day (yesterday) at 10 a.m. I called this lady back and said we needed to push it back to the afternoon...b/c we all wanted to sleep in!!! Crazy!!!! She consented. I had this feeling all day long that this person was probably going to like our house. Don't really know why...but I did!! After not hearing anything fairly quickly on the feedback, I resolved to the fact that we really were never going to sell our house. Then, I get a phone call at 6:30 p.m. from our realtor saying that she needed to present us an offer. I should have been happy...but honestly, Kevin and I both were in total shock. What in the world is God doing????

The offer came in a little low, we countered, they countered and now we're officially under contract. So, unless our house fails inspections...we're closing April 16. Guess what???? We have absolutely NO clue where we are going to live!!! Now I'm scared. I'm a little scared for another reason too...this means we're going to buy something that is bigger and more expensive....I don't do well with spending more money for long periods of time!! It scares the crud out of me!!!! I guess this is where I need some reassurance from people I trust. I firmly believe that God places people in our lives and then speaks to us through them.

Anyway, it helps to write this blog...getting everything out and seeing it in front of me is helping already. I'm praying for clarity, direction and some much needed sleep tonight!! I need that peace!! God really is in control...and His timing is really perfect...I am truly trusting Him for taking care of all of this for us!! Thank you God that You are in control. Thank you God for being so in love with me that You always care for my needs even before I knew there was a need for another HOME!!! I love you!!

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